Build Spaliti from source

The CVS repository of Spaliti can be checked out through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following instruction set:

cvs login

cvs -z3 co spaliti

To build Spaliti change into the directory spaliti/src/ and execute make. The compiler will emit spaliti.exe. Use the command mono spaliti.exe to start Spaliti.

jan 02 @ 21:19


Since Spaliti is developed using the .NET framework, it is required that you have installed a .NET compliant implementation. The developers of Spaliti use the implementation of the Mono Project (Version 1.0).
The GUI is built using Gtk# version 1.0.

Currrently cdrecord and its various tools are used to burn the CD, therefore it's necessary that you have it installed too.

It's planned to switch away from cdrecord and use libburn instead since it provides a much better interface for programmers. When that will happen depends very much on the workload of the developers of Spaliti.

A final note. Spaliti has been tested only on Debian Linux (Sid) but it's very likely that it will work too on other Linux distributions. Since the developers took care about the portability aspects, it should be possible to run it on Windows (maybe some minor changes would have to be made).

jan 02 @ 21:45